Key Google Analytics Metrics Used In SEO

SEO Company Kerala
Google Analytics Metrics

In this information age, having a clear-cut digital marketing strategy is essential while running any kind of trade and business through the internet. SEO has become the most useful tool for effectively promoting the brand or service on the internet. For businesses, it is highly important to know in detail about Google Analytics metrics. Because it will help them know how their website is performing in the virtual world.

Besides the Keyword Ranking progression, there are many other crucial metrics that need considering for effective implementation of SEO. Below are some of the key Google Analytics metrics to look out in SEO.

New Users

New Users is a key metric that keeps a record of the number of users that have visited a site within a particular timeframe. The amount of visitors in a site is entirely dependent on the SEO strategy utilized. The New Users feature displays the number of visitors to a site despite the number of times they visited a site.

The metric is helpful and assists in evaluating the growth of the audience for a website. Moreover, it also determines whether the marketing efforts deployed for the purpose is successful.

Top Landing Pages

Top Landing Pages is an essential metric that determines the performance of the pages on a site. Most users will usually have an inclination to navigate more to a certain page in a website. The Top Landing Pages metric will enable in determining which of the pages are performing well due to the user visits. It presents the site owner with an overall detail regarding the specific information on the site that the users who are interested in it.

This metric is particularly useful while creating fresh content for a website. Moreover, it also enables one to work out a different strategy for pages that are performing poorly.

Conversion Rate

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The Conversion Rate metric gives detailed information about the percentage of visitors that have achieved anything on a website. Among all the metrics, the Conversion Rate is the most important and gives an overall picture regarding the success of the site. The metric offers details relating to the probability among users to purchase a product or service from a site due to the information and interface laid out on the site.

Traffic Referral

Traffic Referral is another important metric that provides details about where the visitors are coming from. Determining the whereabouts of the traffic in a site is crucial in evaluating the success of the site. Moreover, it will also enable a site to link with a blog that contributes to the traffic for increasing the amount of visitors.


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