PPC Company

Capturing More Leads With Your Website

Lead Capture Tips

A brand website is one of those things which can net you significant business these days. But the sweetest benefits are only tangible as long as you remember that the website has many purposes. One of the pertinent ones, where Business to Business (B2B) companies are concerned, is lead generation.

SEO and digital advertising are some of the best ways to complement the effects of lead generation in a bid to get the right people looking at your content. For one, this ensures you mainly get visitors who are interested in what you’re selling. Let’s see how lead capture can be carried out effectively and profitably on your website.

How Lead Capture Works

At its simplest, lead capture is the way by which you convert a website visitor into a sales target you can get in touch with, on the phone or through email. That is a simplified take; in practice it’s usually a lot more complex “converting” a visitor.

Following are some aspects you’ll need to consider about lead capture.

  • How can you get leads to your website?
  • What are the incentives you’ll need to draw out their contact info?
  • How can leads be captured at different stages of the buying cycle?

The Role Of Content

Boost Traffic
Importance Of Content

The most important tool for attracting leads is content. It’s what the reader sees and judges your site by. Your content needs to be created, optimized, published and promoted inside a well-devised inbound marketing strategy. At its core, the program should be able to solve business problems for your audience. This will in turn boost traffic to your website, as well as get you the targeted audience – the type of people who are looking for your kind of solution. The content serves to add incentive to the leads at different stages of the buying cycle.

Why Is Educational Content Important?

Consider a visitor arriving at your website. What are they looking for? Content, of course. With the right content laid out on the page, you can offer them a solution to their problem. The underlying aim is to:

  • Get them to connect with you. You carry the burden of giving them a reason for this.
  • Convey a call to action, wherein you tell them what to do next.

A call to action can be something a simple as asking readers to download a schematic of the blog’s theme. If they wish to know it in greater detail, they can enter their name and email address to have more information mailed to them. This is one way to capture a lead.

Targeting The Final Stages Of Buying

For visitors who’ve hit upon a purchase option they think is right, white papers and mailing list subscriptions can be a bit redundant. Content, however, can be helpful here as well. Bear in mind that this is when they will be looking to understand how your product faces up to the competition. You could benefit from providing infrographics, videos and case studies. It’s a smart move to place calls to action like “Request a Free Consultation”, so you can establish contact and hopefully convert visitors into a customer.

Various calls to action can be employed at the different buying stages to boost your success as a business. Lead capture is essentially a way to draw in customers into connecting with you.


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