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3 Tips For Blogging For SEO

Optimized Blogging
Blogging For SEO

Blogging is essentially throwing free information to draw in customers, and it is an SEO tack that still works if done right. With a steady stream of relevant content blowing in their faces, they will not ignore your blog the way they do the ads. Plus, if it is something a visitor wants to read, you have halfway humanized the company and maybe even made it more relatable. Here are some quick tips on blogging for maximum exposure.

Use WordPress

WordPress is commonly cited as the best platform for optimized blogging, because it is easy to use, free, and built to be search engine optimized. The Permalink setting can be set to Post Name so you automatically get a URL with the title in it.

WordPress also has plugins including a sitemap generator to ease search engine discovery, a Webmaster toolkit to help improve ranking, as well as other tools that let you spot problem areas. The SEO tools can be used to optimize the site for best exposure. Lastly, WordPress lets you build an awesome blog without any web design skill, by choosing from a number of premium themes.

Maintain Quality

Google’s search engine bots are always in search of sites that can be trusted, and that means knowing what you are talking about, and having the online neighborhood agree. It comprises sites and businesses in your field of interest, which is what your content is based in.

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Blogging Tips

Another vital metric is the bounce rate, which tells you if visitors simply click and leave, or spend time to check out the content. If it is written in cracked up English visitors will know, and Google will find out. In addition, content should not be duplicate, repetitive, or mass-produced. Overall, you should be aiming for quality.

Keep Bringing In Fresh Content

Both main search engines – Google and Bing — rank pages for freshness, either based on the date their bots discovered it, or when it was last updated noticeably. You can repurpose old content or simply create something new on your blog, but new stuff has to be added.

A new blog (page on your site) every other day will keep you in good standing with the search engines. Don’t put up content that sticks to the same topic either. Find and use new idea, fresh perspectives, and trending topics. You can use anything that holds you in front of the faces of current and potential customers.


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