What Makes Page Load Speed So Crucial

Page Load Speed
Improving Page Load Performance

Every e-commerce owner wishes to boost their conversions rates and to cut down their exit rates. Studies conducted by several SEO experts revealed that one of the crucial reasons for the significant increase in the exit rates of a website is poor page loading speed. However, many e-commerce owners fail to understand the importance of page load speed and they pay less attention to the factor.

Potential customers may get really disillusioned or frustrated with your website if they find that they will have to wait for a long time for the pages to load. This might urge them to visit other sites rather than staying on yours, which in turn will decrease the visitor turnover to your website. As the exit rates go higher, that can affect the rankings of your website. Besides, slow page loading always has a name in drawing away potential customers from the products and services on the site.

Importance of Page Loading Speed

Nevertheless, improving the page load speed of your website can bring plenty of benefits to you and it will also help you to attract more customers towards your website. A recent study revealed that approximately half of the total internet users expect a site to load within just 2 seconds. If a certain web page takes more than 2 seconds to load, users start to feel frustrated and they eventually move to a similar site with a better page load performance.

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Another study by SEO experts found out that roughly 75% of internet users prefer never to return to a website that took more than four seconds to load. If, say, your e-commerce site is making around $100,000 per day, and there happens to be a minute 1-second page delay in the website, then it will potentially cost approximately $2.5 million in lost sales each year. So, if you want to meet the expectations of your company, it is important to make sure that all the pages in your website load within 2 seconds.

Obviously, if you want potential customers to stay on your website, then you will have to take adequate measures to improve the page load performance of your website. And there are plenty of simple ways to boost the page load performance of a website. Get in touch with us now to learn how we can help in improving your website’s page load speed.


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