SEO Basics That Don’t Change With Google Algorithm Updates

Google Algorithm Updates
Google Algorithm Updates

Google updates its search algorithm several times a year, and introduces new ranking factors every now and then, even though there are many already. It is always good to pay attention to the latest updates from Google, as they can provide new ranking opportunities or many introduce new criteria for the webmasters. However, in the SEO community, many of these updates are overblown and many SEO analysts refer to them as “revolutionary” or “game changing.”

The reality is that, despite these frequent updates from Google, the core search algorithm of Google has not changed much. It is true that the fundamental ranking factors have been tweaked, but they are still in place and remain the pillars of an efficient SEO strategy. There are even chances that these fundamental ranking factors will stay the same for years to come. Here are some SEO basics that don’t change with Google algorithm updates.

Google Bots Need To See Your Website

Apparently, this is one of the most elementary things, that has not changed, even once. Google will not rank your website if it cannot see the content on a web page. The first step to offering search results in Google is to index the content of various websites all over the internet, and for that, Google uses automated bots, or “spiders” to crawl the web pages.

Your website won’t show in search engine result pages (SERP’s)  if the Google spiders are unable to see your site.

Quality Content Is Must

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Google Search Results

Google aims to direct the users to the best online content. This means in order to have search visibility, you will need to offer and promote great content on your site. Great content means sufficiently long content with minimum fluff, which is readable and digestible to the users.

SEO experts say that a web page content should be at least 800 words long, even though Google has not explicitly stated this. Google has neither published the method that it uses to evaluate the quality of the content in a web page, but it is apparent that Google admires how the content quality shared on a site is valuable to the users. The mantra here is “the better the content, higher will the ranking of your site.”

These are just two main SEO fundamentals that do not change with the frequent Google algorithm updates, and might not change for, may be, a decade. These things do not need to “update” with every Google algorithm change even if they are key features. So if you are looking to have a dominant online presence, consult with your SEO services provider to know more about such fundamental principles that would help you to get high search visibility.


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