PPC Company India

How To Make Your PPC Campaign More Effective

PPC Company India
PPC Marketing

With content and social media on the rise, Pay-Per-Click campaigns are taking up a considerable share of ad revenue. Last year, Google made $51 billion in this alone, and this is in spite of 198 million people using ad blockers in their browsers.

However, the viability of PPC has undoubtedly taken a turn, what with the shift in consumer demographics, mobile technology, and the new SERP layout from Google. The techniques, which performed so well until now are simply not as effective today, which raises a need to revamp your PPC strategy. Here is what you need to do.

Invest More, And Compete

Competition is prime, and the success of your ads will always derive from how relevant they are. Google recently dropped their right-side ads, so now you have just seven spots on the results page worth aiming for. Although, this means higher CPCs, and bidding for keywords is going to get even more competitive. Raising your budget for the most effective keywords is currently a smart way to invest in PPC success.

Use Visuals

PPC usually brings to mind search ads, but those are far from the only options to consider. Video advertising is on the rise, and despite how annoying they are, you cannot deny that they are effective. On an average, videos give a lesser bounce rate, increase time on site, and are likelier to be remembered.

AdWords users can choose the video option for their display network, but this is not the only place you should be putting up videos. Try using YouTube, Pandora, and Facebook to get out at their customers too.

Go Social

Content Marketing
PPC Campaign

Paid social media ads will continue to grow in popularity and effectiveness, especially among the millennial crowd, because this is one demographic that doesn’t really trust conventional ads. Since they make up the bulk of the consumer crowd, it is best to build and adjust your strategies with them in mind.

Social media ads are passive enough to be discovered at leisure, while also being significantly more cost effective. There is also more room for personalization with the former, making it easier for you to target ads to the right demographic.

The bigger picture seems to indicate that PPC is not going anywhere for the time being. Experts project 2016 as a big year for content marketing, and we would like to see where paid ads stand by the time it is Christmas.


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