Website SEO

Having A Website Is Definitely Good For Businesses

Search Engine Optimization
Managing A Website

The lack of a digital medium is one of the obstacles that small businesses often face to connecting with potential customers. In an age where a majority of the things we do is the online, only 51 percent of small businesses have websites to represent their brands. In the meantime, 97 percent of consumers go online to seek products and services. The figures here are from the Score Association, a NPO based in Herndon, Virginia.

For most small enterprises, their websites are emaciated in terms of intended functionality; lacking call to action, contact addresses, or social media redirects. The current backdrop has four out of five consumers checking smartphone apps to shop for what they want. Survey shows that 93 percent of the small business websites are not mobile compatible. While owners may not think it is viable to create and maintain a website, they often put these off on account of cost, lack of time, or complexity. With this they relinquish the chance to connect with a wide base of customers. To put this in context, 91 percent of consumers visit a store because they liked the online experience.

Getting A Website For Your Business

It’s almost enough to go with DIY, but hiring a professional designer instead can really pay off. Keep your website as simple or as sophisticated as you want, but the bottom line is that it should provide value to consumers, and align with their interests. It should also be in keeping with your business goals.

Let’s break down what you need on your site that can contribute to better business.

  • The website should be visually appealing.
  • It should have good content that’s viewable without scrolling.
  • You need to provide a call to action and contact information on each page, so it’s easy for a visitor to get in touch.
  • Make sure each page loads in under 4 seconds.
  • Add a blog and update it regularly.
  • Let it be mobile friendly so there’s no need for horizontal scrolling on smaller devices.

    Small Business Websites
    Better Business With A Website

How Search Engine Optimization Figures In This

Search Engine Optimization is pivotal when it comes to letting users find your website quickly. It’s the most common marketing tactic of choice, owing to the potential it holds in channeling inbound traffic your way. This brings business along with it, and mostly from the type of clients you’re eager to have.

For a business that’s serious about marketing products and services, it’s important to find title tags and meta descriptions on every page of their website. This should be done subsequent to proper research about what consumers are searching for on the web, and how this relates to what the company is offering. Site speed is very important in this regard, because without it, visitors can get frustrated easily and are more likely to take their search elsewhere.


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