Category: Google Algorithm

  • Must-Have Skills To Succeed In SEO

    Must-Have Skills To Succeed In SEO

    A lot of people are now choosing search engine optimization (SEO) as their career option, as this marketing technique has gained great popularity. With the widespread use of digital platforms, it became important for businesses to maintain their online presence. Nowadays, a lot of businesses are attracting their customers through online platforms. With the help…

  • Five Reasons For High Website Bounce Rates

    Five Reasons For High Website Bounce Rates

    The term ‘bounce’ refers to a situation where a visitor leaves a website after viewing just a single webpage in it. When it is represented as an overall visit percentage, it becomes a website bounce rate. Several SEO experts Cochin think that only their webpage’s content contributes to their website’s high bounce rate. Anyhow, the…

  • The Possible Effect Of Stock Photographs On SEO

    The Possible Effect Of Stock Photographs On SEO

    A person on Twitter recently asked John Mueller of Google whether utilizing stock photographs has an effect on rankings. The Twitter user stated his friend told him that utilizing content that is not original could affect website positions in SERP. Mueller replied, “It doesn’t matter for web-search directly.” For some individuals, it may be a…

  • How to Speed Up Google’s Crawl

    How to Speed Up Google’s Crawl

    Did you know that for ranking websites, a search engine like Google uses crawlers to get the contents of your site and plenty others into its index? That means the bigger your website gets, the longer it takes to crawl. Any decent website publisher with their eye on the top result rank has the onus…

  • About the Google Medic Update and What it Changes

    About the Google Medic Update and What it Changes

    During the first week of August, Google came out with what it called a “broad core algorithm update”. This was publicized on many platforms including Twitter, and has been the cause of significant buzz among website publishers. Also known as the Google Medic Update, because it mainly concentrates on medical and health sites, it has…

  • How Crucial is Google Trends to SEO

    How Crucial is Google Trends to SEO

    It is a widely known and accepted fact that Google has introduced a number of innovative and nifty tools that made the lives of digital marketers and SEO analysts a lot easier. Digital marketing experts often incorporate the use of some of the free tools of Google such as Google Analytics, Google AdWords, and Google…

  • Trends that will Shape Content Marketing in 2018

    Trends that will Shape Content Marketing in 2018

    Content marketing can be referred as a content-based marketing tactic, which is entirely focused on creating visual and textual content and then distributing it through different channels. Even though the major goal of content marketing is conversion, you should note that the content should not seem promotional to the audience. Instead, the content should be…

  • SEO is Beyond Keyword Ranking

    SEO is Beyond Keyword Ranking

    Like most of the business owners, you might be checking the effectiveness of your SEO strategies and campaign by checking online the keywords that you believe are the most relevant ones to see if they show up on the top of search engine result pages. In addition, you might focus on the chart that shows…

  • SEO Basics That Don’t Change With Google Algorithm Updates

    SEO Basics That Don’t Change With Google Algorithm Updates

    Google updates its search algorithm several times a year, and introduces new ranking factors every now and then, even though there are many already. It is always good to pay attention to the latest updates from Google, as they can provide new ranking opportunities or many introduce new criteria for the webmasters. However, in the…