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Text Purpose and How it Affects SEO

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Text forms the largest part of a majority of websites, making it the kind of thing that needs much focusing on. Most of the time website publishers stop after structuring their text and buffing up the style of their posts, but what about the purpose of the written content? For a lot of people, defining the aim of their text ranks too low on their priority list, but this comes at the cost of a lot of good opportunities.

The Three Main Purposes of Text

  • The first thing you need to do through your text is inform people.
  • After that comes persuading them to some level to a certain course of action, such as buying a product, or even simply returning to your website afterwards.
  • The text should be able to amuse or entertain readers. Your audience should feel moved by what they read.

Aims For the Long Term

Every company or website is set up with some or the other long term goals in mind (e.g. selling what may be the best SEO packages in the area). These need achieving period, but you should also look to aligning the purpose of your text with those accomplishments. As long as the two align, you stand a greater chance at meeting your bottom line. If, for instance, you have a blog that aims to inform readers about SEO, you will want return visitors, so that people’s trust in your brand would be boosted, and they would be likelier to buy your product or service.

Search Intent

It does not do to focus solely on how your text goals align with the objectives of your firm or company; you also need to make sure that it matches the intent that visitors carry in after a search. For example, if a visitor is looking for purely information, then it does not make sense for them to sit and read through a post that is particularly persuasive. If someone wants to buy something from you though, then you need to be persuading them, or you would be missing out.

Link Building

If your posts are aimed at generating links from others and thereby perking up your Google rankings, you need to be thinking about what your text contains. In order to draw in links from other websites, you should focus on putting out amusing or informative posts. Sales posts of the persuasive kind would not receive the same kind of link juice—people are likelier to prefer them less when it comes to sharing with friends and acquaintances, thanks to the glaring way in which the motive (that you wish to sell) is revealed to the reader.

Writing Informative Text

  • For text of this kind, you would need to put in a good amount of research beforehand, allowing you to decide the exact contents. Time needs to be taken to clearly formulate the issue that you will address in the post.
  • The writing style should be clear as well as professional. That means you need to focus on the message to ensure the text has reliable character. Give some thought to the style of writing, and keep it so that personal opinions and such do not come in the way of the message carrying across.
  • The structure of the text needs to be clear from the get-go. Each different topic needs to have a different paragraph to itself, and you should have a conclusion summarizing the information that comes before.

Writing Persuasive Text

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You can persuade someone to do something via a post either using emotions, or using logic. This is why writing a text of this kind can be very hard at times.

  • Persuading with Emotion: You need to make use of a wealth of positive keywords like “fun”, “quality”, “easy”, etc. For example, if you are marketing an SEO package through the post, it helps to include “finest SEO Packages India has to offer”. Your posts need to be kept personal as far as the reader is concerned, which means you would do better addressing them directly. Lastly, you can score very high by throwing in anecdotes or stories which illustrate how awesome your product is.
  • Persuading with Logic: Make a list of all the logical arguments you have in your mental arsenal. Make sure these are correctly deduced, and that these can be illustrated via examples. The writing styles needs to be kept formal and distant throughout, because that is a good way to make it seem you are an authority on the subject.

In conclusion, you need to think long and hard before you write out text to fill a blog post, considering your long term aims as a , the intent of visitors, and the kind of results you wish to achieve from each post. As long as you can manage to make all of these things go hand in hand, it should be enough to get you exactly what you want on the SEO front.


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