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Common Myths And Misconceptions About SEO

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Myths About SEO

Search Engine Optimization has gained wide acceptance among both small and large-scale companies over the years. Many companies use this amazing technology to increase the traffic to their website and to draw in more customers to their business.

SEO strategies may vary with different companies and many marketers doubt how to use this service. There are also numerous myths and misconceptions about Search Engine Optimization as well. Let us take on some of the common misconceptions about SEO and learn the actual truth about them.

Google Listing

Many marketers believe that claiming their Google listing is the ultimate way to boost SEO. The power of Google on local businesses is the reason why marketers fall for this misconception. Yet actually, there is no single way through which you can boost SEO. On the contrary, SEO is a combination of consistent logical functions.

Though many companies have enjoyed success by claiming their Google listing, this is because companies who claim local listing participate in other local strategies too that helps in the boosting their SEO.

Link Building

Many marketers and businesses use the phrase “Link building is dead” and many of them have been using citations as a substitute for links. This is another major SEO misconception, which has become very popular these days. In reality though, both citations and links are capable of boosting SEO.

Make sure that both citations and links you use are of high quality and realize that SEO is all about quality and not quantity. Even though the risks for link spamming are higher, it still works and is an effective way to boost SEO. You can increase the number of visitors to your site by improving the quality of your posts and through link building.

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Social Media

Many marketers and businesses claim that social media isn’t capable of boosting your SEO. This statement is incorrect, because social media websites can play a significant role in boosting your SEO and will eventually attract more customers to your website. You could grab the attention of numerous social media users by posting quality and relevant contents.

The contents, which you have posted in social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and others, will propagate into millions of other sites. This will effectively create backlinks to your website. Many companies who incorporate social media optimization as a part of their marketing strategy have enjoyed great success over the years.


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